Cookies’ Policy
In this section you may change the cookies settings at any time and also obtain information about the cookies acceptance status.
(*) Cookies from this website do not require consent:
At this website we use essential cookies, also known as “strictly necessary” cookies which guarantee functions without which this website could not be used in the manner envisaged. This may include adjustments to identify you as a user and store your preferences such as language or currency, or personalise your experience based on your browsing.
If they are disabled, your experience will probably be affected. Essential cookies cannot be disabled by the above buttons nor on the cookies control panel accessible from the cookies policy of this site. In general, cookies may be disabled on the browser at any time.
Here at lanchascanteli.com we use cookies.
We would like to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies we use, detailing below what a cookie is, what it is for, what types of cookies we use, what their purpose is and how you can disable them should you so wish.
Cookies are small text files that the website you visit stores on your computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with navigation information.
This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies which store and recover information when you browse. In general, these technologies may be used for very different purposes such as, for example, recognising you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or personalising the way in which content is shown. The specific uses we make of these technologies have been described below.
According to their purpose:
Here at lanchascanteli.com , according to their purpose, we use the following cookies:
- Technical cookies: These are cookies which allow the user to browse a website, platform or application, and to use the different options or services to be found there, including those that the publisher uses to allow the management and operation of the website and enabling its functions and services, such as, for instance, controlling data communication and traffic, identifying the session, accessing places with restricted access or recalling the elements that go to make up an order. These technical cookies are necessary for the browsing and proper operation of our website.
- Preference or personalisation cookies: they are those which allow information to be recalled so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics which may differentiate his/her experience from that of other users, such as, for example, the language or number of results to be shown when the user carries out a search.
- Analytics or measurement cookies: These are cookies which are either processed by us or by third parties and which enable us to quantify the number of users, thereby carrying out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use that users make of the service offered. With this in mind, its browsing is analysed at our website with a view to improving the offer of the products or services we provide.
- Behavioural advertising cookies: they are those which, processed by us or by third parties, enable us to analyse your online browsing habits so we can show you advertising related with your browsing profile.
Depending on the entity that manages them:
Below we’ll show you the cookies we use at lanchascanteli.com, depending on the entity that manages them:
First party cookies
We use technical cookies, preference and personalisation cookies which are sent to the equipment from our own servers or domains. These cookies allow the website to provide its service, correctly show the contents of the website and recall your preferences, for example, the language or your preferences regarding the use of cookies. Some of these cookies are also session cookies, in other words, they are of a temporary nature and they expire and are automatically deleted when the user closes his/her browser.
Cookie name | Duration | Description |
cookie-consent | 1 year | Technical cookie which verifies whether the cookies warning has been accepted. |
cookie-consent-date | 1 year | Technical cookie which saves the date on which the cookies were accepted or rejected. |
cookie-consent-method | 1 year | Technical cookie which saves the cookies acceptance method. |
cookie-consent-analytics | 1 year | Preference cookie which saves the user’s choice with regard to the acceptance of Google Analytics cookies. |
cookie-consent-hotjar | 1 year | Technical cookie which saves the Hotjar cookies preference. |
cookie-consent-fbpixel | 1 year | Technical cookie which saves the Facebook cookies preference. |
cookie-consent-linkedIn | 1 year | Technical cookie which saves the LinkedIn cookies preference. |
Third party cookies
At this website, lanchascanteli.com , third party Cookies are used. The entities other than the Holder which use cookies at the Website have been detailed below, as well as the purposes thereof:
Google Analytics cookies
At this website we use Google Analytics, which deploys cookies for analysis, measurement and behavioural advertising purposes. At this website we request the IP anonymisation in Google Analytics, so that all user IP addresses are anonymised with regard to the data they receive on the Google Analytics collection network, before any storage or processing activity is carried out.
- Google Analytics is a Google service, a company which abides by the Safe Harbour Agreement which guarantees that all the data transferred shall be processed with a protection level that conforms to European regulations.
- Google Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy/update?hl=es.
- Use of Google Analytics cookies at Websites: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/cookie-usage?hl=es.
- How Google uses cookies: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=es.
- How Google uses information from websites or applications which use its services: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.
- Cookies used by gtag.js and analytics.js:
Cookie name | Duration | Description |
_ga | 2 years | This is used to distinguish between users. |
_gid | 24 hours | This is used to distinguish between users. |
_gat | 1 minute | This is used to limit the percentage of requests. If you have implemented Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager, this cookie shall be called _dc_gtm_<property-id> |
AMP_TOKEN | 30 seconds to 1 year | This includes a token which can be used to recover a customer ID from the AMP customer ID service. Other possible values indicate suspensions, requests in progress or errors obtained when recovering an ID from the AMP customer ID service. |
_gac_<property-id> | 90 days | This includes information from the campaign about the user. If you have linked your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts, the website conversion labels will read this cookie unless you disable it. |
- Cookies used by ga.js:
Cookie name | Duration | Description |
_ _utma | 2 years as from the configuration or update | This is used to distinguish between users and sessions. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and there is no cookie _ _utma. The cookie is updated every time data are sent to Google Analytics. |
_ _utmt | 10 minutes | This is used to limit the percentage of requests. |
_ _utmb | 30 minutes as from the configuration or update | This is used to determine new sessions or visits. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and there is no cookie _ _utmb to determine whether the user was in a new session or visit. |
_ _utmc | End of browser session | Not used in ga.js. It is configured to interact with urchin.js. This cookie used to act alongside the cookie _ _utmb to determine whether the user was in a new session or visit. |
_ _utmz | 6 months as from the configuration or update | It stores the traffic source or campaign which explains how the user reached the site. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library is executed and it is updated every time data are sent to Google Analytics. |
_ _utmv | 2 years as from the configuration or update | It is used to store data from custom visitor variables. This cookie is created when a programmer uses the _setCustomVar method with a custom visitor variable. It was also used or the withdrawn _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data are sent to Google Analytics. |
YouTube Cookies:At this website we insert YouTube videos from our own channel on YouTube and from other channels, activating the privacy enhanced mode of YouTube. When activating this mode, YouTube does not store information about the people who visit this website, unless they play the video. In this way, cookies can be created on your computer if you view any of these videos, but nevertheless YouTube will not store any type of personal information that allows you to be identified for having viewed the video.
- YouTube is a Google service, a company which abides by the Safe Harbour Agreement which guarantees that all the data transferred shall be processed with a protection level that conforms to European regulations.
- To find out more about the privacy enhanced mode of YouTube, you can visit: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/171780?hl=es.
- Types of Cookies used by Youtube: https://policies.google.com/technologies/types?hl=es&gl=es.
Nombre de la cookie | Duración | Descripción |
GPS | annual | cookie youtube.com |
PREF | 8 months | video viewing preference |
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE | half-yearly | monitoring of embedded videos |
YSC | session | video visit control |
Facebook Pixel Cookies: at this website we use Facebook Pixels which use cookies with a view to providing segmented adverts and measurement services. The Facebook pixel is used for advertising and analysis, which allows advertising functions to be used, such as audiences, conversions, segmentation and optimisation and Facebook Analytics data.
- The Facebook pixel is a Facebook Inc tool, a company which abides by the Safe Harbour Agreement which guarantees that all the data transferred shall be processed with a protection level that conforms to European regulations.
- Facebook Privacy Policy (Data Policy – printable version): https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/update/printable
- Facebook Cookies Policy (printable version): https://www.facebook.com/policy/cookies/printable
- Visitors to the website can consult the configuration of the Facebook adverts and update their preferences at any time.
- Cookies for Facebook pixels: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/471978536642445
Cookie name | Duration | Description |
Facebook – _fbp | Session | This cookie will help to hand over our advertising to those people who have already visited our website when they are on Facebook or on a digital platform driven by Facebook Advertising. |
- The Data controller for the European Union (EU) is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, whose registered office is at Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland
- Private Shield LinkedIn Corporation: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?
The installation of cookies shall occur after obtaining user consent.
We consider that we have obtained said consent if the user accepts by clicking the Accept button of the cookies notice or from the Cookies Configuration Panel, without the mere fact of continuing to view the screen, move the mouse, press a key on the keyboard or view the Cookies Policy or the Privacy Policy being regarded as acceptance of the enabling of cookies.
On the upper part of this Cookies Policy document we provide you with a system that offers the possibility of rejecting or accepting cookies which require consent, either all of them or in a granular manner via a settings panel which can also be accessed by clicking here.
It is also possible to block and eliminate cookies by changing the browser settings. To manage the cookies, the majority of browsers allow all of them to be rejected or accepted or just to accept those of a certain type. At the links below you have at your disposal all the information to configure or disable your cookies on each browser:
- Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es
- Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias
- Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
- Microsoft Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/4468242/microsoft-edge-browsing-data-and-privacy-microsoft-privacy
- Safari (Mac): https://support.apple.com/es-es/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
- Safari para IOS (iPhone and iPad): https://support.apple.com/es-es/HT201265
Google Analytics: to offer visitors more options about how their data are compiled, Google has developed the Opt-out Browser Add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=es. By installing this complement, the information shall not be sent to Google Analytics.
On the other hand, and in addition to the systems for configuring or disabling the cookies which we have just detailed for the browsers used most, there are online tools which allow you to configure and administrate your preferences with regard to the cookies which you accept. These include:
- Your online Choices: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/es/preferencias/
- WebChoices of the DAA Alliance: http://www.aboutads.info/choices
On these pages you can also manage your preferences related with personalised advertising.